How to Find the Best Debt Settlement Company

How to Find a Reputable Debt Settlement Company?

Debt Settlement is a viable option to help you eliminate your debt. However, if you choose an inexperienced company, you may find yourself in worse shape than you already are.  Print out and Use these questions when researching:

  1. How long have you been in business?• Young companies have very little experience. If they can’t provide proof of their experience, RED FLAG. Don’t take their word for it, either. Check on them by finding out when their website was registered and the BBB. Use our Options Learning Center Debt Settlement Scams to learn more.• We have been open for 10+ years. Our track record is proven.
  2. Who does the Customer Service and Settlements?• Some companies outsource this to another company. They use a third-party Servicing Center that perhaps used to do other types of work, such as mortgages, and have converted over to Settlement and therefore make the claim they have been in business for a long time. What they don’t tell you is that they used to do something else for most of that time. If they don’t do the work themselves, RED FLAG.• We do our own Customer Service and Negotiations.
  3. What are your fees?• A company should charge fees AFTER the debt has been settled. Not upfront and no retainers. If fees are collected upfront, RED FLAG.• Our fees are only once we have obtained results which removes the risk.
  4. Are you being paid a commission?• Salespeople may stretch the truth or leave out vital information if they are paid commission. If they say Yes, RED FLAG.• Our representatives are paid salary and are very upfront with the offered programs.
  5. Can you stop creditors from calling me?• It is not possible to stop all creditor calls. If they say creditors will not call, RED FLAG. We offer a a device to redirect the calls to our office, though there will be times creditors may attempt to bypass this.
  6. Can I be sued?• Yes, it is possible. If they say otherwise, RED FLAG.• While we offer a legal expense program to cover the costs, we will continue to negotiate a settlement even if a lawsuit is filed.